Portfolio project

Illustrated dice-building card game.


“The Encounter” is an illustrated dice-building card game that is still in development. I started a Twitter account, documenting the development process, meeting fellow developers, designers and illustrators as well as gamers.

Game summary

There has been encounters in this forest and you are one of the last Wanderers, that have the means to face the mysterious creatures and make the forest save to venture again. You will Collect 6 different Character Dice kinds to vanquish increasingly difficult Encounters. You can join forces with other Wanderers, but only one will keep the Encounter Card and keep the associated points. Who has the most Encounter points when the hunt is over wins the game.


Each Wanderer that players can choose comes with a unique ability that plays into their characteristics. The lion is courageous, the eagle focused, the bear strong, the snow leopard is patient, while the owl is intelligent and the fox deviousness. Read the card’s texts for their effects.

Painting process

Here, you can watch timelapse videos of my illustration process. I utilize an iPad, an Apple Pencil, and Procreate to sketch, draw, and paint all my illustrations. Afterwards, I take them into Photoshop, Blender, or After Effects, depending on their intended use.

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