Should you collect a short list of evolving rules to live by?

Should you collect a short list of evolving rules to live by?

In a fast moving world, I discovered that keeping and evolving a short list of rules, concepts quotes or mantras is a great way remind myself and develop a unique foundation for values and a personal perspective. I share my evolving rules I live by inspired by Sagmeister, Voltaire, Tyler Durden, Gandalf, my family, and more.

My list of evolving rules

Taking a cue from Sagmeister and others, I’ve collected my own evolving set of rules since I started studying Design back in 2013. Here is the current draft, some with explanations, some on their own:

1. Either act or forget.

This first one, for me, is a beautiful way of saying: if you care enough, do something about it, if you don’t do something about it it seems you don’t care enough, if you don’t care enough, don’t bother and move on. But it also means, if you can’t do anything about it, don’t bother either.

2. Worrying doesn't solve anything, solving does.

This is a direct copy of Sagmeister’s Rule “Worrying doesn’t solve anything” with a, for me, important extension, that makes it a bit more positive and actionable for me.

3. Take a deep breath before you complain.

 A moment of pause before complaining enables me to assess the situation objectively and determine if giving a fuck is truly worth it. It gives me time to out things into perspective.

4. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn.

A very cheesy saying, but a delightful one. I like it.

5. Life never gets more complicated than it is in this very moment.

This rule is a lose quote from Tyler Durden. For me it’s a cool reminder to not just focusing on the present, but to remind me of the idea that no matter the situation, the complexity, level of delight, pain, struggle, joy … when not compared to the past nor the future, life never gets more complicated than this.

6. Whoever you want to be solely depends on you and now.

Building upon Rule No. 5, its a nice saying that it’s not about what is thrown at us but that it is our responsibility to decide what we do with it.

7. Failure must be an option.

This quote from Elon Musk acknowledges that risk-taking and experimentation are essential for progress. Embracing the chance of failure obviously not as a goal but a known chance during innovation is a calming and energizing fundamental idea. 

8. Choose what to give a f*ck about.

I would summarize this one line summary of Mark Manson’s book “The subtle art of not giving a F*ck” like this: Choose what to give a f*ck about – more precisely: choose the problems you rather want to have, based on values that are good and in your control. Because your f*cks are limited.

9. Tell the truth, or at least don't lie.

For me this rule by Jordan Peterson is not so much about what to say, or not to say, but about doing the right thing even if it is uncomfortable – always.

10. Think before you choose an unnecessarily difficult way.

This is what my dad kind of always said before showing me how to do things as a child. Think about the task at hand and do it in the most clever way, this means cutting corners. Don’t defy Rule No. 9 though, do it right, but make it easy.

11. Enjoy the little things.

Finding happiness in the small, often overlooked moments of everyday life, emphasizing the importance of being present and appreciative of simple pleasures rather than solely focusing on major accomplishments or future goals. This is actually something I am really glad I am really good at, and I do think I got it from my mother… or Zombieland. Either way, it encourages a shift towards mindfulness and gratitude for the present moment. It’s really a great rule.

12. The most important decision you will ever make is to be in a good mood.

This quote is Voltaire’s. Check out my blog article “How the quality of your design relates to the quality of your thoughts” that dives deep into what this rule is an essence of.

So should you start collecting your own collection of evolving rules to live by?

If you don’t already, I think its a great thing to do, and revisit. Being inspired by Stefan Sagmeister’s set of rules, evolving them for myself and adding other people’s input into my own philosophy has been a constant. Just as Sagmeister’s rules have evolved, my own rules will continue to grow and adapt. I really hope I may have inspired you to start collecting your own list of ever evolving rules to live by. I think sharing them is also cool. I will come back to this blog article, when rules are updateable.


1. Either act or forget.
2. Worrying doesn’t solve anything, solving does.
3. Take a deep breath before you complain.
4. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn.
5. Life never gets more complicated than it is in this very moment.
6. Whoever you want to be solely depends on you and now.
7. Failure must be an option.
8. Choose what to give a f*ck about.
9. Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie.
10. Think before you choose an unnecessarily difficult way.
11. Enjoy the little things.
12. The most important decision you will ever make is to be in a good mood.

Now maybe you want to start collecting and evolving your own rules to live by.

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