The Design Journey
How the quality of your design relates to the quality of your thoughts
I’ve stumbled, in super-slow motion, upon something that has profoundly transformed my creative journey. It’s all about how the quality of my thoughts shaped...
A cheat-sheet for better collaboration (with non-designers)
Over the years, I collected this D.E.S.I.G.N. Cheat Sheet for a better collaboration with non-designers. An acronym that can be kept close during workshops...
5 tips when redesigning your own website that stop you from wasting time
I redesigned my website. Join me as I share the challenges I faced by providing 5 actionable tips that will hopefully empower fellow designers...
About this blog
I use this blog to document my design journey, to curate content from different platforms. My goal is to provide valuable resources to anyone interested in the world of design and illustration, no matter what industry you are working in. I gather information from a diverse range of sources. I believe that exposure to different perspectives and experiences is crucial for growth and development as a designer. By sharing these resources, I hope to inspire creativity, keep learning, meet people, spark new ideas, and encourage experimentation. This way I’m trying to make my design journey your design journey.
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